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플랜트 기계배관 진동 기준

ISO 7919-4 (2nd Edition, 2009)

by 이너턴스 2020. 5. 21.

Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts - Part 4 : Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings


이 규격은 출력 3MW를 초과하고, 축 회전속도 3,000rpm에서 30,000rpm 범위에 있는 유막 베어링을 채택하는 Gas turbine의 현장에서 측정된 진동 평가에 사용된다.


[ ISO 7919-4, Vibration Limit ]


○ Zone A : Newly commissioned machine

○ Zone B : This zone is considered as acceptable level for unrestricted long-term operation

○ Zone C : Normally considered unsatisfactory for long-term operation

○ Zone D : Normally considered to be sufficient severity to cause mechanical damage



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