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플랜트 기계배관 진동 기준

Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) 평가 기준

by 이너턴스 2022. 2. 11.

Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) 평가 기준


  • Energy Institute Guideline 2nd edition에 따른 평가
  • 배관 형상, 공정 조건에 따른 LOF (Likelihood Of Failure) 값 평가 후 아래 기준치 적용 
  • LOF 검토 결과에 따른 후속 공정 제안



[ LOF Criteria for Flow Induced Vibration ] 

Score Action Technical Module
LOF ≥ 1.0 The main line shall be redesigned, resupported or a detalied analysis of the main line shall be conducted, and vibration monitoring of the main line shall be undertaken (Note1)

Corrective actions shall be examined and applied as necessary

Small bore connections on the main line shall be assessed.

A visual survey shall be undertaken to check for poor construction and/or geometry and/or support for the main line and/or potential vibration transmission to neighbouring pipework.
TM-07 / TM-08




1.0 > LOF ≥ 0.5 The main line should be redesigned, resupported or a detailed analysis of the main line should be conducted, or vibration monitoring of the main line should be undertaken (Note1)

Corrective actions should be examined and applied as necessary

Small bore connections on the main line shall be assessed.

A visual survey shall be undertaken to check for poor construction and/ or geometry and/ or support for the main line and/ or potential vibration transmission to neighbouring pipework.

TM-07 / TM-08



0.5 > LOF ≥ 0.3 Small bore connections on the main line should be assessed.

A visual survey should be undertaken to check for poor construction and / or geometry and / or support for the main line and / or potential vibration transmission from other sources.

LOF < 0.3 A visual survey should be undertaken to check for poor construction and / or geometry and / or support for the main line and / or potential vibration transmission from other sources. TM-05


Table 3-1 : Main Line Actions

Note1 For certain transient vibration mechanisms specialist measurement techniques may be required

Note2 For the case of high frequency acoustic excitation, this mechanism affects only the main line. The small bore connections on the main line only require assessment if there are other excitation mechanisms affecting the main line





▷유체 유발 진동 


유체 유발 진동, 배관 고유진동수, 유한 요소 해석 - (주)이너턴스

이너턴스(INERTANCE)에서는 난류에 의한 배관의 유체 유발 진동(Flow Induced Vibration, FIV)을 검토하기 위한 정량적인 평가를 Energy Institute Guideline에 따라 수행하고 있습니다.




배관 진동, Flow Induced Vibration(FIV)에 대한 평가 
02-707-1545, admin@inertance.com으로 부탁드립니다.
주식회사 이너턴스
