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배관 진동에 대한 정성적 평가 기준

by 이너턴스 2021. 10. 26.

배관 진동에 대한 정성적 평가 기준

Qualitative Assessment for Pipe vibration


설계 단계에서 New plant, Existing plant의 배관 시스템에 대한 잠재적인 진동 가진원을 평가하고, 정량적 평가(Likelihood of failure, LOF)에 대한 기초자료로 활용하기 위한 정량적 평가(Qualitative Assessment) 업무가 진행됩니다. Qualitative Assessment 평가 단계에서는 아래와 같은 배관 진동원의 가능성 유무를 판별합니다.


-       Flow induced turbulence

-       Flowinduced pulsation

-       High frequency acoustic excitation

-       Mechanical excitation

-       Pulsation from reciprocating compressor or pump

-       Pulsation from rotating stall

-       Cavitation and flashing

-       Surge and momentum changes

-       Vortes shedding from intrusive elements


[ Guideline for Qualitative Assessment for Piping System ]

Item Aspect Applicable
Likelihood Classification Potential excitation
Low Medium High
1 What is the maximum value of kinetic energy(pv2) of the process fluid within the system under consideration? All

Flow induced turbulence(All fluids) refer to Scetion T2.2

Flow induced pulsation(Gases only) refer to Scetion T2.6
2 Is choked flow possible or are sonic flow velocities likely to be encountered? Gas No   Yes High frequency acoustic excitation refer to Section T2.7
3 Is there any rotating or reciprocating machinery? All No rotating
Mechanical excitation refer to Section T2.3
4 Are there any positive displacement pumps or compressors? All No Screw/gear
type positive
type positive
Pulsation - reciprocating refer to Section T2.4
5 Are there any centrifugal compressors which have the potential to operate under rotating stall conditions? Gas No Compressor has stall charateristics but operational restraints in place to ensure that rotating stall is not encountered Stall rotating condition unknown.
Compressor has rotating stall
and may operate at conditions that will give rise to stall conditions
Pulsation - rotating stall refer to Section T2.5
6 Are there any systems which may exhibit flashing or cavitation? Liquid /
No   Yes Cavitation and Flashing refer to Section T2.9
7 Are there any systems with fast acting opening or closing valves? All No   Yes Surge/Momentum
changes refer to Section T2.8
8 Are there intrusive elements in the process stream? Gas /
No   Yes Vortex shedding from intrusive elements to refer to TM-04
9 Is there a possibility of slug flow? Multiphase No   Yes Slug flow - seek specialist advice
10 Is there a history of pipework vibration issues, or are there any systems which are similar to those on another plant which have a known history of pipework vibration issues? All No Yes: however, suitable corrective action in place and validated for the complete operating envelope. Yes Known vibration refer to Chapter4

(참고: Energy Instiude, Guidelines for the avoidance of vibration induced fatigue failure in process pipework, Jan. 2008)


배관 진동에 관한 문의는 02-707-1545,
admin@inertance.com으로 부탁드립니다.
주식회사 이너턴스
