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플랜트 기계배관 진동 기준

ASME OM-2012, Part 3

by 이너턴스 2020. 8. 13.

ASME 규격은 배관 시스템 평가 시 적용하는 배관 진동 기준치를 0.5in/sec(12.7mm/s)로 아래 내용과 같이 제시하고 있다.


[ASME OM-2012, Part3, D-3]

Piping System with peak velocities less than 0.5in/sec(12.7mm/s) are considered to be safe from a vibratory stress standpoint and require no further analysis. If vibrational velocities greater than 0.5in/sec(12.7mm/s) are measured, then further analysis are required to determine acceptability.




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