Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural Gas Industries - Steam Turbines - Special purpose Applications
본 규격은 일반 석유화학 정제용 공정에 적용되며, Special Purpose Steam Turbine에 대한 진동기준치를 제시하고 있다. 진동 기준치는 Steam Turbine의 Shop Test시 최대 허용 운전 속도 조건에서 Shaft에 대한 P-P 변위를 측정하여 25.4um 또는 아래 운전속도에 의해 산출된 Level 중 낮은 값을 기준치로 적용한다.
○ A is the amplitude of unfiltered vibration, in um true peak to peak
○ N is the maximum continuous speed, in RPM
한편, API 612 7th에서는 Shop에서 Mechanical running test 진행 시, Non-synchronous vibration에 대한 기준치를 Allowable Vibration Limit의 20% 수준으로 적용하는 것을 아래 문구에서와 같이 언급하고 있다. Allowable Vibration Limit은 Turbine 운전 속도에 따라 상기 언급된 수식을 이용하여 평가할 수 있으며, 측정된 Non-synchronous vibration값이20%를 초과할 경우, 그 적절성 여부에 대해서는 별도로 논의하도록 한다. During the mechanical running test, the following requirements shall be met. a) The mechanical operation of all equipment being tested, including all casing joints and connections, and the operation of the test instrumentation shall be satisfactory. The measured unfiltered vibration shall not exceed the limits of 9.7.8 and shall be recorded throughout the operating speed range. b) While the equipment is operating at maximum continuous speed and at other speeds and/or load that may have been specified in the test agenda, vibration data shall be acquired to determine amplitudes at frequencies other than synchromous. As a minimum, this data shall cover a frequency range from 0.05 times to 8 times the maximum continuous speed. If the amplitude of any discrete, nonsynchronous vibration exceeds 20% of the allowable vibration as defined in 9.7.8, the purchaser and the vendor shall agree on requirements for any additional testing and on the equipment's acceptability. c) The mechanical running test shall verify that lateral critical speeds conform to the requirements of 9.2 and 9.3. Any non-critically-damped critical speed below the trip speed shall be determined during the mechanical running test. |
[ API 612, Nonsynchronous Vibration Limit]
기계진동 관련 문의사항은 02-707-1545
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