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플랜트 기계배관 진동 기준

API 619 (5th Edition, 2010)

by 이너턴스 2020. 7. 10.

Rotary-type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industies



본 규격은 Rotor Type Positive Displacement Compressor에 적용하며, Shop Test시 사용하는 Vibration Limit에 대해 Dry, Oil-Flooded Screw Compressor에 따라 아래와 같이 각각 명기하고 있다.



1. 진동 기준치, Dry Screw Compressor

  Hydrodynamic bearings Rolling element bearing
Measurement on bearing housing
Vibration at any speed within operating range
-Increase in allowable vibrations at speeds beyond operating speed but less than trip speed
Vu<5.0mm/s RMS (0.2 in/s RMS)

Vu<8.0mm/s RMS (0.3 in/s RMS)

Measurement on shaft adjacent to bearing
Overall vibration at any speed within the operating speed range

Increase in allowable vibrations at speeds beyond operating speed but less than trip speed
"A" shall be the lesser value of

or 50% bearing clearance


Vu is the unfiltered velocity.
RMS is the root mean square.
A is the unfiltered peak-to-peak amplitude of vibration.
n is the max continuous speed in revolutions per minute(r/min).



2. 진동 기준치, Oil-Flooded Screw Compressor

Measurement on bearing housing Hydrodynamic bearings Rolling element bearing
Vibration at any speed within operating range
-Increase in allowable vibrations at speeds beyond operating speed but less than trip speed
Vu<8.0mm/s RMS (0.3in/s RMS)

Vu<8.0mm/s RMS (0.3in/s RMS)

NOTE  The pulsating oil flow through the oil-flooded screw compressor causes increased vibration. Oil-flooded screw compressors with hydrodynamic bearing typically operate with higher compression ratios and/or higher discharge pressures than machines with rolling element bearings.
Vu is the unfiltered velocity.
RMS is the root mean square.






진동측정, 진동 분석, 진동 해결, 설계 검토 - (주)이너턴스

이너턴스(INERTANCE)에서는 높은 진동이 발생하는 플랜트 회전기계(Rotating Equipment), 구조물(Structure), 배관 등에 대한 진동측정(Vibration Measurement)을 수행하고 있습니다. 진동 원인 분석. 진동 해결




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